A Place where I can keep in touch with all my online friends.
Some of my recent crochet projects
The WeatherPixie


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Sunday, November 19, 2006
hey ya all

hi peeps, how ya all doing, today i cleaned my craft stuff up and out and omgosh, you should see the stuff i found, things i have been looking for and things i had forgotten i had, who needs christmas when you have a over run craft room lol,

i had forgotten half of the things i have made over the years and still have and now i dpn't need to do half the shopping i thought i did hehehe, not only is it handmade but its already finished. so you all who will be getting a gift from me, it might not be store bought but handmade is better anyways lol

chatted with fran tonight and also jean and jess, gosh jess has beeen soooooooooo long sweetie was thrilled we could chat. but sorry to hear the problems ya all are having. hang in there sweetie it will get better.

am working on my ornaments still almost done then starch and send off by the 30th or is it the 20th, shoot better look lol, anyways i am almost done so no worries my partners. it will be well worth it

well i let my son go and pick up the ham, omgosh what a mistake, the boy not only broke the bank with the price(63.00) but he got a 19 pound ham, what in the name of gobbles am i going to do with all that ham. he says he will take care of it so he be doing just that. i am lucky in the respect that i have my son who likes to cook, he will be doing most of thanksgiving dinner, i of course will be doing the sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes and stuffing, he on the other hand is in charge of the ham, in basting it and glazing it and making it nice and yummy hehehe, and ya know something? he might be 25, but he cooks like he has been around the kitchen for many years which in a way he has since i got hurt i can no longer make anything large such as a holiday meal.

been working on dd's christmas present, is a jolly roger skull and cross bones, front is done, back almost then sleeves and sew it together as i dust my hands off of each other

there is a question going around the one of the forums i belong to as to when you put your christmas tree up. if my son had his way it would already be up, realisticly will be about the 2nd week of dec. son has been on a huge buying spree of decorations and i asked him today where he was going to put them all, over at his nana's and grandpas? he said no they are for here. yeee gads and little catfish what am i going to do with all the decorations.

on another note, what is your favorite holiday movie or show that yu watch, this is not just about christmas movies either so when you sit down to watch a holiday movie what is it, and like i said does not have to be a christmas moviem, could be a different holiday movie like even a cartoon, i think my most favorite of all times has to be how the grinch stole christmas, its so goofy and fake, but the theme is what is good and what is evil. something i know most of themselves, my son's is die hard LOL, jk his is a mickeys christmas carol and my dd's is its a wonderful life. another fav of mine too, gosh how many movies are out there, so many we lost count when looking at them it boggles the mind.

itsy was so cute today, little stinker climbed up on the patio roof and would not come down for love or money stinker she loves to explore.

also wanted ya all to know i have not been on much cause the 16th was my son and hubbys birthday and we had a small gathering of just us lol, i baked their most favorite cake, and it only took me 4 hours
yes 4 hours, let me explain how it was. i measured and mixed, sprayed pam on the pan, got it all ready, poured the mixture into the cake pan and put it in the oven. set the timer and went and sat down in the living room since my back was bothering me, well i woke up 2 hours later to see smoke pouring out of the oven and the smoke alarm blaring away. thank goodness all it did was burn the cake, but of course was big fat mess. oh well that will teach me to not sit down and fall asleep. hehe,

speaking of, i am headed off here now and headed to bed, i am beat after working all day and i know tomorrow if i don't get my rest tonight/this morning lol then i am going to be having some serious pain issues what really sucks is i have so much to do and so little time to do it all in.

i have learned though that i HAVE to pace myself and today i sure didn't do that, back right now is doing the stab grab and bam on my back, hips and down my legs, on that unhappy note i am headed to bed. god bless you all and if you don't get a chance or i don't to post or read or answer, i want to wish you all a thanksgiving filled with fun and laughter, good food and plenty of love, god bless you all and i hope that you when you do come back and read this will, please share with me and all who read this what you did for the t-day (or in my case the pig day) we will go over and pick up mil and fil and bring them out, am also planning on inviting his aunt and uncle but doubt they will come, as their daughter often has dinner for that part of the family.

a special wish and prayer for those of you who have loved ones serving over seas in the military, a special blessing for you and your loved ones, and our deepest gratitude and love for your sacrifices, god bless and keep your spirits up, we are with you in spirits too. have a blessed holiday an a wonderful dinner be what it may, turkey, ham even pizza, as long as you are together with another person you will be in our thoughts and prayers. god bless and keep smiling love ya all my friends