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Sunday, October 23, 2005
i am so angry at my sister

i found out today that my sister who lives in virgina, called my mom up(the one who is not suppose to have any stress or nothing that upsets her because of her heart) and she actually yelled at mom saying how she should have been told(i called and left a message) how she wanted mom to come there,not happening, also when mom told her to not yell at her and how if she was so concerned about her why did she not come here and see mom, well her answer was this. i have a ticket reserved , mom asks when is that for, sister says well when you pass away i will have to come home for the funeral and to bring home what is "my share" of the estate. well lil sis , ya got a big suprise your not getting anything because there is nothing to give you. mom has a few pieces of jewelry she is leaving the grandaughters and gr grand daughter but for us kids she is not leaving anything of value(monetary) (which is what my sister is so concerned with, which is great, pass it on to the next generation. well to make a long story short, mom told my sister to not call her anymore, to not come visit after she dies, as the time has past then for doing what is right. i pray that my sister has a change in heart and that she will realize that things are not important. only people are. things have a way of just being there, but a person who thinks that she can not come while mom is alive , and that she has reservations for when she dies,. well all i can say is it is a good thing she lives back there. sorry to have to vent, but i needed to get that out. she makes me so angry my chest starts hurting. and i worry that i will also have something wrong with my heart, some people never learn and they never change, is sad, thanks again for letting me vent, thats why my friends i have are so awesome, they let me vent(i do the same back to them when the need is there) till tomorrow my friends huggggggs


Blogger Hilary said...

Wow...that's all I can really say about your sister's attitude. Just...wow.

I hope your mom starts feeling better soon, hon. She's very fortunate to have you there for her. Hugs

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