today is the first day of 2006. i hope that all of you have a awesome year, if last year was bad, forget it, its over, time to start anew. enjoy each day and never forget that you are thought about by someone somewhere and are not alone. i sit today and think about my life the last few years and while it has not been so awesome, it also has not been so horrible. good with bad, bad with good. my blessings this last year were many, even though each day i start the day in pain, i thank god i can actually feel the pain. what if i couldn't
what if i was paralized, see what i mean. take the bad in your life and make it better as much as you can. if your feeling down, go do something to help another person, volunteer, make a difference. i am thankful i still have my health other than the backpain, but i deal with this , it is the way it is, like others who are not even as lucky as me, i wish you all well, i wish that this world would become a place that we enjoy instead of complaining all the time. don't like it cause its broke, fix it and make it better. so today i end this with these words, wishes for good health, happiness, that this anger and pain in this world is somehow lessened because i want to make a difference. because YOU want to make a difference, i have deicided today that i am going to keep a journel of the days of the week and then i can look back and see where i can change and make it better. so to all of you who have taken the time to read this, i thank you, to all of you who are my family and friends. i wish you health ,happiness and all the crochet time and yarn in the world for you to be able to do when you want to, i send my wish of blessings to all of you, and hope that someone will feel the same way and wish for me to have the same things. god bless hugggs to you all and happy new year to all of you from me
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