MyThunderbird's Nest
A Place where I can keep in touch with all my online friends.
Some of my recent crochet projects
The WeatherPixie


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Name Acronym Generator

Sunday, January 21, 2007
Vicki is having some issues with switching over to the new blogger. She can't log in or post or anything. We are trying to fix it.

In the meantime, check out this address

Vicki's New Blog

Sunday, January 14, 2007
a frogging i will go
ever sing yourself that song as you frog endless miles of yarn. well i do and tonight i did. you ask why? well lets blame it on a over zealous husband who wanted to help his wife clean the house. said husband mixed said wifes crochet hooks, said oh honey, i put your hooks all in your hook holder thingy there. and i looked and sure enough he did, now to my problem. several of my hooks are aluminum and the same color but different sizes. well i have been making my friend fran a shawl and was into making this awesome new original pattern by me :D, and i was using a G hook, well i accidently picked up a H hook, don't ask me why i waited to check my gauge till it was about 6 rows off sides. so a frogging i will go, a frogging i will go, hi ho the frog i go, a frogging i will go. so after i get off this computter in a few mintues, i shall frog it for starting over tomorrow.. or maybe will wait till tomorrow to frog it period.

i hope it looks good , as i want it to be special, she is a very special lady who i am proud to call friend.

now on to other news. we lost, yes we lost the most important game this year, the seattle seahawks lost to chicago bears, who in turn will probably lose to the new orleans saints. who will then go on to the super bowl. now on to the other teams, none of which i give a rip about, but hubby is wanting the indinapolis colts to win, so i shall root for them if they make it as far as the super bowl. either way
in about 3 weeks football season will be OVERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! abut then yes you guessed it spring training starts. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh,

now on to me, as some of you know i pledged to lose some weight this year, i while am not totally obese, am a "little fluffy" . to much for my self esteme to want to stay at that weight, so since the 1st i have been cutting back on junk foods , eatting more fruit/veggies ect. io weighed myself last week and had lost a total of 10 pounds. well today i weighed myself and i haven't lost a blessed pound. maybe a ounce if i am lucky, so now i must dedicate this week to not eatting any junk food. omgosh can ido it, hmmm oh i think i can, no i know i can, but i must have something to inspire me, so what should i reward myself with. anyone know? a trip to hawaii? naw i hate flying lol, how bout when i lose the weight i want, i get to go out and shop till i drop at the yarn store. that sounds fair to me, don't it to you? i mean sheeesh, to be able to sit there and pick whatever i wanted . omgosh, but better yet, just thought of this one, knitpicks is just down the road a few miles,(about 180 or so) and while it seems that it is a long way. in actuallity, its only ahout a 2 1/2 hour trip, going the speed limit too, for those who said yea if you speed. the speedlimit thru centralia and chehalis is 70 mph, which actually brings the total time down for sure. so maybe thats what i will promise myself and it actually combines into the other wish list i have. another place i want to go to is shipwreck beads again. we went there this summer and enjoyed myself alot, maybe i can talk my dd into going there with me, oh wait, when ever she goes with me
i end up buying everything she wants and nothing for myself, i will take myself, or maybe can talk one of my crochet buddies into going when the weather gets nicer.

now for the weather. its been so darn nasty , snow, sleet, ice, rain, wind, flooding,power outages, you name it. we here in the pacific northwest have had it all. some people i just saw on the news , jut recently got their power back on and within days lost it again. i am very thankful that our utility company had the forthought to put all of the wires and the transformers underground. so the only reason we here in this area lost any power was when there was a car accident and they ran over the power box, but even then our great guys who work their heart out, had it back up and running within 1 1/2 hours, yeaaaaaaaaaaaa linemen, hehe

tomorrow is martin luther kings birthday, he is someone i greatly admire, for more than one reason, he not only stood up for his fellow man, but also tried to make people understand, we are all one , you him me, no one is better than anyone else, i truly believe this,. it dont matter to me what color your skin is, wether or not your a happy person or a sad person, wether your rich or poor, sick or healthy, you are all one person who i like to say we are all americans, those who are rich, help those who aren't
those who have a multitude of riches, share the richness of your talents, of your kindness to others, it will make a difference believe me, for instance me, i have a abundance of yarn, more than i will ever probably use in my life time, so this last year i gave over half of my yarn stash away, i gave to several people who all i asked was postage, while i did recieve some postage, some i didn't so i can not any more give to those who i have to ship to, so instead of sharing with those fellow crafters , i wish i could share with ya and help you, but i can not any longer afford to ship to you guys anymore. it makes me so sad, now of course i can donate to my fellow crafters, i can still donate to the sisters of st francis. i need to call and see if they need anymore yarn.

what ya all making now? when i get done with frans shawl i am going to finish another shawl for another friend, finally when thats done, i don't know, really what i am on a wonder at the moments, guess i will see later. knitting something probably iwant to make me something but don't know what .

well am off to dream land, am very tired tonight my friends. tonight i need my beauty sleep so am headed to bed. hang in there , for those who have just he keoooooo popped in am off to bed, goodnight, sleep well, happy crocheting knitting hehe hugs and love to you all,

Friday, January 12, 2007
what is it

can anyone tell me what this is/ i took this today as i was in snap happy fingers mood but soon lost that

tonight was horrible, i decided to be a nice wife and mother and make dinner(yes i know i should do it every night, but gad i just don't have the energy) so tonight i decided to make bbq and breaded porkchops, i wanted breaded so decided to make both. well i went to check them to see if they needed turning and i saw the oven element looking might wierd, as in glowing bright red, i asked hubby what i needed to do, he came and looked at it and said well its time for a new stove, ACKKKKKK, i said what? he said the element was burning thru, sure enough dang thing burnt darn near all the way thru. now if that had , i would have been invited to see the stove catch fire then perhaps the wall and who knows, soooooo was a good thing i got off my rear end and checked it. so of course had to turn off the oven and take the pork chops out and put in the other oven, of course they all didn't fit, so the breaded ones i fried the rest of the breaded chops on the stove, i really didn't want to fry as it is higher in calorie, but i was hungry so i ate before the guilt trip hit me, all told since the 1st of the year have lost 11 pounds. 11 down , and another40 to go. can i do it, dang straight i can. might take me a bit of time but i will do it . so now back to the oven, i have to bake my mil a cake for her 77th b-day and now i can't, crud now will have to be store bought. :P

this weekend is martin luther kings birthday weekend, we get a monday off work for those who work, now to why we do, martin luther king was a man who had a dream, i like to think we have made some progress towards his dream but we are along ways away from fulfilling his dream, what i ask you to do today, is treat all of your friends like they are all your best ones yet, treat each other with respect and care. god bless to all who beleive. for those who feel different, blessings from me

have any of you guessed what it is yet/ its a ice crystal on my sons car window. i thought it was interesting, and very pretty. and ya know what, i do believe that there is no others and each one is unique. take care ya all and happy crafting

baby its cold outside

this morning the warm tempture of 14 degrees greated me, as i sit here typing, i am shaking from being outside to long, need to warm up big time.

i slept pretty good, but then i was like a wooly blanket, had my jammies, and then sweatpants and sweat shirt then put my poncho on from fran and my shawl from trish and my shawl from tammie. hehehehe, i was toasty , especially with the warm quilt i had and also 2 heat packs, hows that for brrrrrr

i only slept that way for a while though cause i got to hot, then started sweating the layers away. course that helps lose weight too so it isn't hard to make myself warm up like that. shadow wanted out for about 2 seconds. he felt the cold and meowed and ran back into his carrier in the garage. he is a smart kitty, i am worried about a stray hubby saw at work, its just a tiny little thing,but he was not able to catch it, with temps in the teens and probably alot colder last night, i am worried something might happen to it. hubby says it can get under the building and stay close to the furnace so am happy about that, but am still worried about it. why do people just "lose" their animals, those fur babies have a right to be taken care of and not dropped at a government building that is not set up for them
, it just frustrates me, especially when they can drop it off at the humain society and make sure these babys are taken care of them since its a no kill shelter now THANK GOD
working on my projects as much as possible, but i think i caught a chill yesterday and its hard to make my fingers move good because of the arthritis, thank god for voltaran emugel. jacqui my mate, YOU HAVE NO IDEA, how awesome you are. when you told me about this cream i thought sure i will try it, but i had tried so many before but never heard of it, but oh so willing to give it the old college try, and to my amazment and wonder (no to mention i wanted to jump up in down, course that would have made me hurt more.

i am soooooooooooo tired of winter and we are not even a month into it, grrrrrrrrrrr
hubby was talking about heading to the beach for the weekend, but so far have not found a decent motel to stay in, besides thats a longggggggggg ways away should we be needed for some reason, fil said he fell so i hope he is alright, told him he needed to be more careful after asking him if he is alright, he was laughing about it so am going to assume he is alright, he also didn't have any snowmelt, he said no and he didn't want any, i won;'t use it here of course because of the cats, would be bad for thier skin should they lick them.

well am off to work in the house today, course might wind some yarn instead hehehe, take care all of you my friends, god bless and keep you all. stay warm and safe all who have cold weather.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

hi ya all, thought i would pop in and blog, was going to last night and actually had a post half written and then the laptop shut down as it was to hot, dang it that made me mad, and of course i had not saved any thing so that made me even madder lol, oh well will redo now, no sense in worrying over something that can't be that silly, anyways i started the cathedereal rose window afghan. and today i bought myself some yarn to knit some socks, yes you read that right, the 4 letter knit word. hehehe, actually i am one of those annoying artists who appreciates all forms of art. now to see wether or not i can actually make them is another story lol.

today we have had the wierdest weather. first this morning we had rain, rain and more rain ugh, then it cleared up, yeaaaaaaa i thought, HA, then the wind kicked in, it was so breezy that i saw limbs flying across the yard, not a good time to be out under the trees, but of course that was exactly where i was, since mr shadow wanted out for a run(he needs to be out more) so i let him out and about 15 min later the wind kicked in, so ended up scooping him up and bringing him back in. now the weather people are saying snow by tomorrow morning,. oh joy i always wanted to see this lovely weather from who knows where. i have NEVER seen such stupid weather. and its not just here, in the midwest is warm, on the eastern seaboard is warm, my sis called from virgina the other day and it was 70 degrees and she was wearing shorts. i told her to shush. lol

today i was blessed by the yarn fairy. hehe, well first off, she told me which yarn to buy for socks, then when i got home i found a box from our own dear fran , she had picked me some yarns up down in texas way that we did not have here(i payed her, but she was kind enough to travel to the store and get it for me) inside there was multiple amounts of matrix yarn and carmen both of which i had asked her to buy, but also inside was more matrix for my darling daughter who is so greatful her mom has such a awesome friend as fran. and appreciates it greatly fran. also inside the box was 3 full skeins of big and thick chenille, the kind that is so soft and warm, now am waiting for the yarn to speak to me, also inside(yep there is more, told ya it was a awesome prezzie) there was a jar of her home made jalapena jelly, which i tried tonight and its very good, hot but good lol, she also included 2 packages of tacobell taco mix, i can't find it here and it looks so good, thank you once again

i also recieved some yarn i had bought off of e-bay, a HUGE cone of cotton thread weight yarn and also a big cone of chenilles and a small one also. is nice to know that people appreciate my business also as the seller (fiberoptions) also sent me a small pull skein of chenille also. as a token of appreciation. thank you melanie.

i started the cathedral rose afghan a few days ago and have done nada on it, shame on me, thought maybe you would like to see how far i have gotten. so here is a pic of it

i also lucked out in the book section, i found 2 awesome crochet and knit books at half price books, i lOVE that store. i found today one for 7.98,. the title is the best of workbaset vintage to vogue, how many of you remember workbasket, it ws from this tiny magazine i so did enjoy that little booklet, inside is 35 knit and crochet classics from yesteryear all remade for the 21st century. i also scored with a book that was slightly used(some of their books are) it is called the goodhousekeeping illustrated book of needlecraft. inside it is chock full of many differentr forms of fiber art. inside is embroidery, smocking, needlepoint, patchwork, quilting knitting and crocheting and rug making in a small amount of space, inside is so many awesome instructions i will of course be a master knitter soon. lol
i also bought some red heart plush in black, am working on a shawl for my ins agents secretary, poor sara is ALWAYS cold, so offerend to make her something to help her stay warm, got about 3 rows. also tonight got a nice pm on the ville about my blog here, that was so sweet of you , and you know who you are don't ya darling lol

tomorrow we might wake up to more of that dirty little word
you got it snow, snow snow snow ack ackkkkkkkkkkkk lol. so until tomorrow or whenever i can get my hiney on here i willpost again. i know that if we have snow, it will mess up plans,. but thatsalright, it won't last though for long, . today sent off to hub's uncle some more smoked salmon, what a can or worms we started. with that last box, now they love it,cost another75.00 to send back there]3 more boxes of fish,, well am off to crochet on saras shawl, so adeu to you all god bless and keep you all.happy crocheting, or knitting or whatever ya all want to do with your time :D hugs

Saturday, January 06, 2007
i swiped this off a blog i read.

1. What time is it:
2 Your name: vicki
3. Nickname: none4. Piercing : 1 in each ear
5. What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theater:? none

6. Eye color: brown
7. Place of birth: Washington, state
8. Favorite foods: chicken
9. Ever been to Africa: No
10. Ever been toilet papering: no
11. Love someone so much it made you cry: Yes!!!!
12. Been in a car accident: yes
13. Croutons or bacon bits: both
14. Favorite day of the week: saturday

15. Favorite restaurants: applebees
16. Favorite Flowers: dahlias!
17. Favorite sport to watch : football,
18. Favorite drink:dr pepper
19. Favorite ice cream: does it have chocolate in it?
20. Disney or Warner Brothers: both
21. Favorite fast food restaurant: tacobell
22. What color is your bedroom carpet: hardwood floors
23. How many times you failed your driver's test: 0
24. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail: fran
25. What do you do most often when you are bored: read crochet blog, chat on im
26. Bedtime: don;t haveone
27. Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest? dunno
28. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? dunno
29. Who are you the most curious about their responses to this questionnaire: dunno
30. Favorite TV shows:csi.
31. Last person you went to dinner with: Gak, hubby
32. Ford or Chevy:ford
33. What are you listening to right now: toby keith
34. What is your favorite color: blue
35. How many tattoos do you have: none yet
36. How many pets do you have: 4
37. Which came first -- egg:
38. How many people you are sending this e-mail: everyone who reads my blog?

i snagged it from daisy and thought it was cute. how bout you?

i swiped this off a blog i read.

1. What time is it:
2 Your name: vicki
3. Nickname: none4. Piercing : 1 in each ear
5. What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theater:? none

6. Eye color: brown
7. Place of birth: Washington, state
8. Favorite foods: chicken
9. Ever been to Africa: No
10. Ever been toilet papering: no
11. Love someone so much it made you cry: Yes!!!!
12. Been in a car accident: yes
13. Croutons or bacon bits: both
14. Favorite day of the week: saturday

15. Favorite restaurants: applebees
16. Favorite Flowers: dahlias!
17. Favorite sport to watch : football,
18. Favorite drink:dr pepper
19. Favorite ice cream: does it have chocolate in it?
20. Disney or Warner Brothers: both
21. Favorite fast food restaurant: tacobell
22. What color is your bedroom carpet: hardwood floors
23. How many times you failed your driver's test: 0
24. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail: fran
25. What do you do most often when you are bored: read crochet blog, chat on im
26. Bedtime: don;t haveone
27. Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest? dunno
28. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? dunno
29. Who are you the most curious about their responses to this questionnaire: dunno
30. Favorite TV shows:csi.
31. Last person you went to dinner with: Gak, hubby
32. Ford or Chevy:ford
33. What are you listening to right now: toby keith
34. What is your favorite color: blue
35. How many tattoos do you have: none yet
36. How many pets do you have: 4
37. Which came first -- egg:
38. How many people you are sending this e-mail: everyone who reads my blog?

i snagged it from daisy and thought it was cute. how bout you?

Thursday, January 04, 2007
some days i wonder
some days i wonder why things happen the way they do. for instance yesterday a 17 year old kid lost his life to another boy who is 18, no on knows why he shot and killed him,all they know is he is dead. and for what? the boy who did the shooting said he couldn't say, he didn't want it in the news
. what was he thinking, related story here if you want to read it

tonight we had a power outage that lasted almost 2 hours, shocked the crud out of me, we didn't even lose power in the massive wind storm we had, but for some reason the power gods were not smiling on us tonight. the utility company though did a great job getting us back up and running, now to find out why it happened and hope it don't happen again. i snuggled down on my loveseat with my beautiful shawl my friend tammie made me. tammie lives in australia and omgosh is she talented. this girl is amazing, you should see her time i chat with her will ask her blog and then link ya. its really something you need to see.

i sure miss not chatting with my friends. for some reason lately either i am on to late or they are on to early or we just miss each other, but i am sending a big shout out to all of you who i miss talking to. you all know who you are too don't ya

while waiting for the lights to come back on i made a pair of hand warmers in a pretty red yarn, now mil wants another pair in black so guess i will get to work on it now when i get off.

the weather outside is cold and we are suppose to havecolder temps. was 26 tonight when i went out to turn the kittys heaters back on, when the power went off i shut them off as i didn't want a power surge from them to trip the breaker, poor itsy was so cold, she didn;t understand why mommy shut her heat off and came and sat on the porch to tell me so too, she was like a block of ice, i scooped her up and hugged her to me to warm her up, she was shivering, course she isn't the brightest brick on the wall, silly girl, she also of course wanted treats, so once i gave them to her she went back in the patio.

well am off as i am tired and need to work on those hand warmers, need to finish the red ones then get to work on the other ones too.

havn't done much on the cathederal rose window afghan, what did i get myself into, this pattern is technical believe me, but someday will finish it, am aiming to do it before the fair comes on, that way can enter it, wonder if they would give me a prize hehehe, anyways am off to crochet my way to wisdom and all hugs to you all

Wednesday, January 03, 2007
HAPPY 2007

YEP its actually 2007 omgosh when i was a little kid it seemed that 2007 was so far off that no one really thought it would come.

i started the cathederal rose window afghan today and i can tell ya all, its going to be complicated to do, although not hard, just time consuming, i can;t wait finish it though , think it will be a gift for someone ,just not sure who, maybe get ny daughter to help me with it and it can belong to her then, will see i suppose. i am making it in watercolors and pale green, is going to be very pretty,along with black edging.

here is the poncho and hat set. i hope ya like it god bless and keep you always and know that he and i care about you all . hugs to ya all and hope ya like the poncho