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Wednesday, November 02, 2005
prayers needed please
i talked to my mom today, last night she had another heart attack, doctor said for her to go home and rest, he gave her meds, but her heart is only functioning at 17% i called my sister to tell her if she wants to see mom again she needs to come home. her response again was i can not afford it, i will have to come to the funeral instead. please pray she has a change of heart. i know this person is not my real sister. i do not know what her problem is. but i do know my mom is not long for this world barring a miracle, and granted they do happen so i am not going to give up. ya know i wonder why people think things are so much more important than people. i mean i am sure there are somethings mom has that my sister would like. i really don't care if mom leaves me anything, actually i would prefer her not to, because i would much rather have her here than a something she willed to me. i don't understand people at all, i talked to my nephew who lives in texas, he is going to try and get home to see mom, but he is having troubles himsel, the doc thinks he might have a brain tumor, my brother had one a couple years ago, and now his son is having alot of the same symtoms. i wonder how much more this family can take, guess it will be whatever comes. as i will never give up nor will anyone else in my family. so if ya pray please pray for them, if ya want to think a good thought that also would be awesome. thanks for listening and letting me vent. huggggggggs


Blogger Celeste said...

Your mother will be in my thoughts, Vicki. I hope she can recover. ::hugs::

Blogger Unknown said...

*hugs* You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
I have gone through similar with my grandfather (he died in 01).

Blogger vicki said...

thank you you guys. i called today and she was resting comfortably i guess as well as she can. my sister still fails to see the light. thanks for being here for me, i sometimes wonder how much a person can take, but ya know i think it makes us stronger if we don't let it get us. prayer is always welcome and can also heal as i know only to well. when my brother was 13 they said they were going to have to operate as he had a hole in his heart, well when they did the tests again just before surgery, the hole was gone, was not anything short of a miracle so am hoping god will grant us another one. his will will be done though. thanks again for all your caring thoughts huggggs

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