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The WeatherPixie


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Monday, November 07, 2005
what a day
todntay i worked all day in my craft room, it is such a mess, and i have way to much yarn so a couple weeks ago i called the local convent here in tacoma, as i had given them a ton of yarn last spring and they used it all for charity work, so i called again and asked if they wanted more they said yes right away. so today i went through most of my yarn stash and gave them 3 huge bags of it full. i wish i could keep it, but we live in a small house even though my craft room is a bit larger than most. but i am still out of room, which tells me i am needing to destash LOL, will also send some to some friends who send me the return postage. i wish i could just mail it and not charge, but all in all they are still getting a good deal as there is probably 50.00 worth of yarn in the box,. i know i could sell it on e-bay, but is such a hassle.
but tonight i am now paying the ultimate price. my back is hurting something fierce. but am now sitting with my heat pack. i also found some of the ornaments i had made this summer and put away for now. so am thrilled with that as i have so many to do and so little time to do them all in. i also worked on my swap partners gift last night and a bit today, will finish it tonight except for a few things, i am not saying what it is though cause i know she reads my blog:-) lol

last night was chilly, am expecting we will have frost before to long, was so close to it this morning. fall and winter are not my favorite times of year as you all might know with the titanium in my back it seems to attract the cold, but i have to live with it so will now quit whining LOL

omgosh i did not know how much yarn i still had and i have even more in the garage, plus i have 12 pounds coming on friday of chenille. i seem to be making more things with the nicer yarns now. nothing wrong with the good old fashioned worsted weight, just am making other things that need a lighter weight yarn. i think my favorite yarn is chenille, with threads running a close second. i found some awesome fingerling yarn i am going to send to a dear friend on the ville'. should be just what she needs lol, is so awesome when i can help a fellow artist out and help myself too. room gets cleaned, hubby stops grouching friend gets yarn LOL LOL LoL. well i hope ya all have a wonderful day tomorrow. i know tomorrow is voting day so i will be off doing my civic duty. there are a few things on this election i am defenitly voting both for and against. the one thing i am following the close is a initative to limit what a person can collect when they have been injured by malpractice. i know how that is as i was injured and not treated by the doctor correctly, but i can tell you it is almost impossible to sue a doctor, so this is a bunch of hooey lol. is amazing how many rights you don't have.. well on that note am off to crochet. huggggs to ya all


Blogger none said...

Isn't it funny how you go from working with some types of yarns to then really wanting to work with other types? Right now I just can't get enough of wool yarn. This summer, it was cotton. I don't mind the worsted at all, but am almost uncomfortable working with thinner yarns or thread.

I destashed recently on ebay because I had a lot of odd and end skeins that I would have to either buy more of to make a project or find a project with odd and end balls...I am sure you know what I am talking about.

Sorry your back is hurting. Mine has been hurting too, lately. Maybe it is the weather change?

I would pay for postage if you have any wool or cotton you don't want. ((Hugs))

Blogger Unknown said...

Hey I'd be paying some postage if you ever want to destash again.
I'm always looking for more yarn for charity things.

Blogger vicki said...

o.k kari and wendy, if i find more i will send it lol, i had already given 3 bags to the sisters of st anns convent, they use it for charity and is close, but i probably will have some more yarn soon, need to clean the garage out, wendy i am allergic to wool and most of the cotton i will be using. at least right now, but otherwise will let ya know. huggga

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